April 2019 ~ Easy to understand maths

Monday, 22 April 2019

Cayley Hamilton theorem

Cayley Hamilton theorem state that every square matrix satisfies its characteristic equation.



Let A be any square matrix of order n, and its characteristic equation be


We have to prove that A satisfies this equation


For proving this, we proceed as follow :

We know that       


We have,   

Equating the coefficient of like power of   , we get,

        ... ... ... ... ...

Pre-multiplying above equation by  respectively and adding, we get,
, which is same as (1).

Hence the theorem


Q1. Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem for the matrix


The characteristic equation of A is

We have to prove that A satisfies this equation i.e.,  


(1) is satisfied.
Hence the result 

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Rank of a matrix

In linear algebra, the rank of a matrix is the dimension of its row space or column space. It is important to note that the row space and column space of a matrix have equal dimensions.

Definition of rank of a matrix

A nimber r is said to be a rank of a non-zero matrix A if

1. There exist at least one minor of order r of A which does not vanish and

2. Every minor of higher order than r is zero.

The rank of a matrix A is denoted by  .
          We have 

Another definition of rank of a matrix

The rank of a non-zero matrix is largest order of any non-vanishing minor of the matrix.


From the above definition of rank of a matrix, we observe that

1. The rank of zero matrix is zero i.e.,   where O is a zero matrix,

2. The rank of a non-singular matrix of order n is n,

3.  , if every minor of order r+1 vanishes,

4.  , if there is a minor of order r which does not vanish.

☆Finding rank of matrix

   1. Minor method

   2. Normal form

   3. Echelon form of matrix

1. Example on minor method

Q1. Determine the rank of matrix 

  A is non singular

Q2. Determine the rank of matrix
  i.e, only minor of order 3 of A vanishes.
Now we consider any minor of order 2.

There is a minor of order 2 of A which does not vanish


2. Normal form of a matrix

 are called the normal formes of matrix


Q3. Prove that the matrix   is equivalent to  .
Given matrix is equivalent to  .

3. Echelon form

A matrix   is said to be in echelon form if

1. The zero rows of A occur below all the non-zero rows of A

2. The number of rows before the first non-zero element in a row is less than the number of such zero in the next row.


Q4. Reduce to row echelon form the matrix 


Which is in row echelon form.
Since there are two non-zero rows in row echelon form.


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