When you plot a function in the graph, if the curve opens towards the positive Y-axis then it is said to be concave up (or convex down) function while if it opens downwards then the curve is said to be concave down (or convex up ) function.
Consider the curve y=f(x) in [ a,b ]. Let it be continuous and possessing tangent at every point in ( a,b ).
Draw a tangent at any point P ( c,f(c) ) on the curve. Let us assume that this tangent is not parallel to Y-axis so that f'(c) is some finite number.
Now there are three mutually exclusive possibilities to consider.
As x-increase, f'(x) is either of the same sign and increasing or change sign from -ve to +ve. In either case, the slop f'(x) is increasing and f''(x) >0. Such graphs are bending upward or the portion lies above the chord.
A portion of the curve on both side of P, however small it may be, lies below the tangent at P ( i.e. towards the -ve direction of Y-axis ). In this case, we say that the curve is convex upward or concave downward at P.
As x-increase, f'(x) is either of the same sign and decreasing or change sign from +ve to -ve. In either case, the slop f'(x) is decreasing and f''(x) <0. Such graphs are bending downward or the portion lies below the chord.
The portion of the curve on the two side of P lies on different side of the tangent at P i.e, the curve crosses the tangent at P. In this case we say that P is a point of inflection on the curve.
So, at a point of inflection the curve change from concave upward so convex downward or vice-versa.
So at a point of inflection f''(x)=0.
(1). Evaluate
(2). Find the interval ( a,b ) for which
Then ( a,b ) is the interval of being convex downward.
(3). Find the interval ( a,b ) for which
Then ( a,b ) is the interval of being convex upward.
Q1. Prove that the curve
is concave upward for all x∈ℝ.

Concavity and convexity
Consider the curve y=f(x) in [ a,b ]. Let it be continuous and possessing tangent at every point in ( a,b ).
Draw a tangent at any point P ( c,f(c) ) on the curve. Let us assume that this tangent is not parallel to Y-axis so that f'(c) is some finite number.
Now there are three mutually exclusive possibilities to consider.
1. Concave upward
A portion of the curve on both side of P, however small it may be, lies above the tangent at P ( i.e. towards the +ve direction of Y-axis ). In this case, we say that the curve is concave upward or convex downward at P. Such curve "hold water".As x-increase, f'(x) is either of the same sign and increasing or change sign from -ve to +ve. In either case, the slop f'(x) is increasing and f''(x) >0. Such graphs are bending upward or the portion lies above the chord.
2. Concave downward
A portion of the curve on both side of P, however small it may be, lies below the tangent at P ( i.e. towards the -ve direction of Y-axis ). In this case, we say that the curve is convex upward or concave downward at P.
As x-increase, f'(x) is either of the same sign and decreasing or change sign from +ve to -ve. In either case, the slop f'(x) is decreasing and f''(x) <0. Such graphs are bending downward or the portion lies below the chord.
3. Point of inflection
The portion of the curve on the two side of P lies on different side of the tangent at P i.e, the curve crosses the tangent at P. In this case we say that P is a point of inflection on the curve.
So, at a point of inflection the curve change from concave upward so convex downward or vice-versa.
So at a point of inflection f''(x)=0.
☆Definition of concavity and convexity
A curve is said to be concave downward ( or convex upward ) on the interval ( a,b ) if all the points of the curve lies below any tangent to it on that interval. It is said to be concave upward ( or convex downwards ) on the interval ( a,b ) if all the points of the curve lies above any tangent to it on that interval.☆Working method for concavity and convexity
(1). Evaluate
(2). Find the interval ( a,b ) for which
Then ( a,b ) is the interval of being convex downward.
(3). Find the interval ( a,b ) for which
Then ( a,b ) is the interval of being convex upward.
Q1. Prove that the curve
The curve
Q2. Prove that the curve
Hence the curve is concave downward or convex upward for x >0.
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