May 2019 ~ Easy to understand maths

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Types of number

There are various types of number as follow

1. Natural Number

Nature number are counting number and these are denoted by   ,


* All natural number are positive.

* Zero is not a natural number, therefore 1 is the smallest natural number.

2. Whole number

All natural number and zero form the set of whole number and these are denoted by W,


* Zero is the smallest whole number

* Whole number are also called as non-negative integers.

3. Integers

Whole number and negative number form the set of integers and there are denoted by ,


Integers are of following two types

1. Positive integers:- Natural numbers are called as positive integers and these are denoted by  ,


2. Negative integers:- Negative of natural number are called as negative integers and these are denoted by  


* 0 is neither +ve nor -ve integers.

4. Even number

A counting number which is divisible by 2, is called an even number

For example, 2,4,6,8,10,12,....etc.

* The unit's place of every even number will be 0,2,4,6, or 8.

5. Odd number

A counting number which is not divisible by 2, is called an odd number

For example, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,....etc.

* The unit's place of every odd number will be 1,3,5,7 or 9.

6. Prime number

A counting number is called a prime number when it is exactly divisible by only 1 and itself.

For example 2,3,5,7,11,13,.... etc.

* 2 is the only even number which is prime.

* A prime number is always greater then 1.

* 1 is not a prime number therefore the lowest odd prime number is 3.

* Every prime number greater than 3 can be represented by 6n+1, where n is integer.

7. Composite number

Composite number are non-prime natural number. They must have atleast one factor apart from 1 and itself.

For example 4,6,8,9,..etc.

* composite number can be both odd and even.

* 1 is neither a prime number nor a composite number.

8. Coprime

Two natural number are said to be  coprime, if their common divisor is 1

For example (7,9), (15,16), etc.

* coprime number may or may not be prime.

* Every pair of consecutive number is coprime.

9. Rational number

A number that can be expressed in the form of p/q is called a rational number, where p,q are integers and  .

For example   

10. Irrational number

The number that cannot be expressed i  form of p/q are called irrational number, where p,q are integers and .

For example   

*   is an irrational number as 22/7 is not the actual value of   but it is its nearest value.

* Non-periodic infinite decimal fractions are called irrational numbers.

11. Real numbers

Real number  include both rational and irrational number. They are denoted by .

For example      

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